• a film by Ana Sofia Fonseca

    World renowned performer Cesária Évora in a new and intimate documentary. With previously unseen footage and insights into the singer's life, the film follows the struggles and success of the Barefoot Diva. Her voice took her from poverty to stardom but her only dream was to be free.

    With the financial support of ICA (Portuguese Film Institute)

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  • in production

    50 years after independence, a man travels from Portugal to Mozambique searching for his brother. But this life-changing journey confronts him with present terrorism and his past as a child-war-mascot.

    With the financial support of ICA (Portuguese Film Institute)

    a film by Ana Sofia Fonseca

  • in development

    In Cape Verde, two men share a name and a street. But with opposite backgrounds and lives, the Jorges only meet when they cross paths through their windows. Amid the dilemmas of migration, an unlikely friendship is born between Jorge the writer and Jorge the barber.

    a film by Ana Sofia Fonseca

  • in development

    A portrait of the West by those who live it from afar and dream it near.

    a film by Ana Sofia Fonseca



  • a film by Ana Sofia Fonseca

    One country. 700 million bottles. Over 2000 years of history. Every calendar, the lot is cast in September. As the world celebrates Portuguese wine like never before, “A Whole Life of September” explores the relationship between those who own the land and those who toil on it, opening a window into the stories that make every bottle. documentary about the Portuguese wine world proposes a journey through Portugal and through human nature, drawing an intimate portrait of the wineries and their people.

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  • TV series | 15 x 25 min

    for SIC (portuguese broacaster)

  • TV series | 13 x 12 min

    for SIC (portuguese broacaster)

  • TV series | 5 x 25 min

    for SIC (portuguese broacaster)

  • Documentary Single | 1 x 52 min

    for SIC (portuguese broadcaster)